Dear Owlypians,
You have been meant to energise people! Looking back to October 2022 when I firstly stumbled across this competition, I realise that it was one of the most memorable events of 2022.
As a teacher, taking part in the Local Round organised by The Spectrum School in Constanta, Romania had a huge impact on me! I strongly believe such competitions are extremely valuable and should be promoted more often in the future! What I adore most about it is the fact that it also promotes Team Spirit!
The wonderful days spent with my students during the competition count a lot! Seeing the sparkle in my students’ eyes and hearing them sharing to our headmaster their desire to get involved in the promotion of such a local event in our own high school mean a lot to me!
Due to an organisation like yours, I have enriched my teaching background and I have got motivated to promote your competition in my school.
Millions of thanks! You are extraordinary! Hope you will have an Epic 2023!