Literature, like a frigate in Emily Dickinson’s words, sits on the horizon of our lives to take us lands away. It is the Perpetuum mobile that turns the cogs of our existence: it inspires, enables, and transforms you into the person you will dare to become. It opens the future like a golden key. It allows you to experience other lives, other cultures, and other worlds, and grow with this knowledge. Fear not its magnetic allure: allow yourself to take the step along the literary journey, and remember: “We are all failures – at least the best of us are.” – J.M. Barrie
“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” – Robert F. Kennedy
Subcategories: Poetry, Drama, Novels, Short Stories.
You are expected to do research on the theme of the year, “Analytical Thinking: Navigating Complexity”, in the context of Literature & Culture. You may find the recommended resources below.
The study resources contain several movies and videos to watch, books and articles to read, topics to research, and questions to sharpen your knowledge.
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